Final Edit

Read from start to finish

No story truly exists until it has been read through, from start to finish, by at least one person. That person is you. The last pass in the process is the final polish or edit. This can often be the most enjoyable pass, and it gives you the opportunity to stand back and marvel at what you have achieved.

Read quickly

The idea with the final pass is that you will not need to make so many changes to each scene, so you can read through them fairly quickly. Reading them at a good pace allows you to experience them as the reader will, and will allow you to assess the pace of your story. You can stop the process to make fixes where necessary, but hopefully massive alterations will not be necessary.

Experience the story

When you are performing your final pass, imagine you are a reader who just purchased the book and try to experience the story as they will experience it. Ask yourself if you are confused, frustrated, or bored. Think of the books you have read in your life that you adored, and ask yourself if your readers are going to feel what you felt when you read that book.